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1.0 – Mindset


  1. I will be highly goal-oriented and disciplined to strive for excellence.

  2. I will maintain a positive attitude in training and in life.

  3. I will have an open mind to learn new skills and knowledge.

  4. I will respect my elders, seniors, mentors and teachers at all times.

  5. I will always be loyal to my family and friends.

  6. I will always be enthusiastic about the success of others as I am of my own.

  7. I will use Taekwondo and martial arts appropriately and responsibly.




2.0 – Taekwondo Tenets


The following characteristics must be shown and developed:

  1. Courtesy

  2. Integrity

  3. Perseverance

  4. Self-control

  5. Indomitable spirit



3.0 – Preparing for Class


  1. Jewellery and watches should not be worn during training for safety purposes.

  2. Glasses, if required to be worn, should be used with a retaining strap.

  3. Fingernails and toenails must be kept trim for safety purposes.

  4. Band aids, bandages and any other medical coverings must be adequately prepared by the student prior to training.

  5. Underlying medical conditions which may affect training should be managed by the student and advised to the Instructor. This will be kept confidential.

  6. Students must bring any required personal medication (eg. Ventolin for asthma) along with any relevant management plan.

  7. Students must bring a bottle of water.

  8. If students know they will arrive late to class, they must notify the Instructor by SMS text a minimum of 30 minutes before the start of class.

  9. Students must come to class in a clean and well-maintained uniform.



4.0 – Before Class


  1. Students must arrive a minimum of 10 minutes early to prepare for class and assist in setting up the mats.

  2. Students’ mobile phones must be silenced.

  3. Students must bow when entering the dojang (ie. training hall) to show respect towards the Instructor, fellow Taekwondo students and yourself. This demonstrates mental preparation for concentrated Taekwondo training.

  4. Students must individually bow to the Instructor and other students more senior than themself to show respect.

  5. Students must not wear shoes on the mat.

  6. Students must pay the training fee before the start of class.

  7. Students must declare any injuries to the Instructor. The Instructor has the right to exclude the student from participating in parts or all of the class if it is judged that the injury is too risky towards the student’s wellbeing.



5.0 – During Class


  1. All students are expected to demonstrate no less than 100% effort in training at all times. The instructor reserves the right to sit-out any underperforming students.

  2. Students must not talk, giggle or ‘play around’ in class. The instructor reserves the right to sit-out any misbehaving students. Serious misbehaviour will result in a written warning. Three written warnings will constitute termination of student membership and expulsion from the Academy.

  3. Students are to put up their hand if a question needs to be asked.

  4.  Instructors and Assistant Instructors are to be addressed as “Mr <surname>” or “Ms <surname>”.

  5. Masters are to be addressed as “Master <surname>”.

  6. Grandmasters are to be addressed as “Grandmaster <surname>”.

  7. No foul language is to be used in class whatsoever.

  8. Drink breaks are only permitted when advised by the Instructor.

  9. Students are not to leave the training hall during class without the Instructor’s permission.

  10. Any injuries during class must be reported to the Instructor.



6.0 – After Class


  1. Students are to assist in packing up the mats at the completion of class.

  2. Respect must be shown towards the Instructor and other senior students by individually bowing to them prior to leaving the training hall to go home.

  3. Students must individually bow to the Instructor and all other students more senior than themself to show respect before leaving to go home.

  4. Students must bow when exiting the dojang to show respect towards the Instructor, fellow Taekwondo students and yourself. This demonstrates mental completion of Taekwondo training.



7.0 – Outside of Class


  1. All Taekwondo and other martial art techniques taught in the Academy must only be used outside of class for self-defence, personal practice and sanctioned demonstrations.

  2. Any misuse of Taekwondo and other martial art techniques will result in immediate termination of student membership and expulsion from the Academy.

  3. An absence of three consecutive classes without an adequate written excuse to the instructor will automatically terminate student membership from the Academy and the student’s place in class will be given to a prospective student on the Academy’s waiting list.






The following is applicable to any family members and friends of students and other people who come to class to spectate.



8.0 – During Class


  1. No shoes on the mat.

  2. No talking during class. The instructor reserves the right to ask disruptive spectators to leave the training hall.

  3. Phones must be on silent or switched off.

  4. No eating of any food unless required for medical purposes.









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